International Space Station: A Look Inside Earth's Floating Laboratory! 

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Image Credit: NASA

The International Space Station (ISS) is as large as a football field, weighing 419 tonnes and measuring 109 meters in length. 

Gigantic Structure:

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The ISS travels at 28,165 kilometers per hour, completing 16 orbits around Earth daily, offering 16 sunrises and sunsets every 24 hours. . 

High-Speed Orbits: 

Image Credit: NASA

Serving as a research hub, the ISS hosts experiments in microgravity that advance knowledge in biology, physics, astronomy, and materials science. 

Scientific Laboratory:  

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Constructing and maintaining the ISS has cost over $150 billion, reflecting the scale of international financial commitment. 

Expensive Investment:

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Managed by five space agencies from 15 countries, the ISS is a symbol of international cooperation, though India is not part of this consortium.  

Global Collaboration:

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Since November 2000, the ISS has hosted astronauts with amenities including two bathrooms, a gym, and a panoramic bay window

Continuous Habitation:

Image Credit: NASA

Advanced recycling systems on the ISS convert sweat and urine into drinkable water, supporting long-duration missions.  

Sustainable Systems:

Image Credit: NASA

The ISS environment fosters resilient microorganisms, known as 'super bugs,' which pose unique challenges for crew health and maintenance. 

Microbial Challenges:

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The ISS is visible to the naked eye from Earth and can be tracked through NASA’s resources, making it an exciting object for stargazers.  

Visible from Earth:

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India plans to send an astronaut to the ISS and aims to establish its own space station, the Bhartiya Antariksha Station, by 2040. 

Future Plans: