Get Hired Faster with LinkedIn’s New AI-Powered Features!

LinkedIn’s AI-based search for vacancies continues to be developed, new functions are being added to the application that will allow users to find vacancies, edit resumes, and receive recommendations from AI bots. These updates, however, come with a catch: they are available only for Premium subscribers across the globe.

Natural Language Job Search
Indeed, the incorporation of the natural language search tool is one of the prominent features of the website. For instance, users will be able to type in suggestions such as, “remotely based marketing position in Detroit with a salary of at least $110,000” and get the available jobs. This tool is designed to help IMP consumers quickly and easily describe their ideal job situation in basic English.

Personalized Resume and Cover Letter Assistance
LinkedIn is also launching tools for Resume Critique and Cover Letter Review based on the objective of the application. From this feature, the user can input their resume, and using AI the app will provide suggestions on how the user can edit it based on certain jobs. Further, through the use of artificial intelligence, LinkedIn can assist in writing cover letters from scratch with information from the user’s profile and the job’s description.

AI Personas for Business Advice

To advance the application of AI in LinkedIn, it has initiated the testing of the AI personas, which are virtual professionals. Users can engage to get information relating to different aspects of the business. These artificial intelligence-driven responses are nursed from the inputs given by real-life practitioners, enabling the learners to receive individualized instructions in line with their ability. Featured experts include Alicia Reece, Anil Gupta, Dr. Gemma Leigh Roberts, and Lisa Gates.

Enhanced AI-Powered Search

LinkedIn also claims that generative AI will help to enhance its overall search capabilities. These new functions are going to make each search individually smarter whether to look for people, for jobs, to outreach, or to knowledge. These improvements are planned to be launched within the next several weeks.

Focus on AI for Learning

LinkedIn continues to enrich its learning materials and is launching 60 new courses per week in addition to 22,000 LinkedIn Learning courses. Of these, more than 800 are geared towards AI, a few being AI Literacy and improved Deep learning techniques. As a result of the update, premium subscribers can request specific real-time feedback including quick summaries, elaborations, or illustrations concerning LinkedIn Learning content.

Background and Implications

LinkedIn has long been planning and implementing AI into its website since 2007 for not only connection suggestions and the security of the website. New releases are a part of LinkedIn’s long-term approach to introducing AI capabilities and improving the site experience and employment search system.

Tomer Cohen, the head of LinkedIn product, said that using these AI tools remains strategic in the long run, emphasizing that their main utility is to help users in their job search and while applying for jobs. “With AI, our search functionality is going to become so much more powerful, and allow users to instantly find the depth and richness of any particular topic from LinkedIn Search,” Cohen wrote in a blog post.

User Reactions and Future Developments

The incorporation of the above-mentioned AI features has not received a warm reception from users. Some find these as efficient and personalized tools especially when submitting multiple applications for a certain position. Some are worried about the issuance of PTO exams and cover letters through the use of Artificial Intelligence to perform tasks that are required to be done manually.

Especially, LinkedIn product manager Rohan Rajiv stated these tools should be considered as a ‘‘kick-starter’’, not a ‘‘full-stop’’ solution. ‘What we’d like to do is to enable individuals who struggle to tell their story, to be able to at least begin the process,’ he noted.
Moving forward, LinkedIn hopes to further develop its application of AI and possibly take the initiative to automate processes like job applications. The company is also interested in applying AI to other aspects of the platform to improve the customer experience even further.

LinkedIn’s new set of AI-enhanced products for job seekers that are available only for LinkedIn’s Premium users is considered one of the best innovations among all services that have been launched this year. With the help of NLP and effective AI assistance, this tool helps candidates find jobs or submit applications easily, allowing LinkedIn to improve its service for users around the world. Future advancements in these tools have the possibility of redefining job searching online by providing a more straightforward and personalized process for applicants.

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